Some weeks are just longer than others, aren’t they? I’ve had one of those this week. One of the ones where you start seeing red by 3pm and you’re clock watching by 4. Where more than two consecutive hours of sleep eluded me on several nights and the wine fridge was opened more often than I’m proud of.
But next week is a new month, so I plan to press the reset button and – as I say to my daughter – adjust my attitude. In the mean time, here are a few of my favourite things for March.
This month I’ve been:
At the beginning of the year I vowed I would start being more organised. I’m not someone this comes to naturally, so I’ve been working it out as I go. One of the biggest changes I made was to buy this weekly meal planner which goes on the fridge and helps me to organise dinner times for the family ahead of time. It has made such a difference! I didn’t realise how much the downward spiral that happens in our house around 5pm is so often caused by my lack of forward planning. I love being able to see the week’s meals at a glance and write down things I need for my shopping list as I think of them, and having a visual of what I’m cooking in the evening often reminds me to prep things in advance when I have a spare moment. I suppose I’m embarrassingly late to the party on this one but better late than never. I’m a planning convert!
My new favourite week night supper – this delicious shrimp and zucchini noodle dish. It is so quick, so healthy, and so tasty!
Unglued, by Lysa TerKeurst, which a friend put me on to. It’s about making wise choices when our emotions threaten to get the better of us, and it’s given me lots to think about. I do tend to live with my emotions bubbling very close to the surface, and I think as mothers this is a luxury we often don’t have – or, at least – one need to keep a tight reign on.
I could not stop watching this clip of Hiplet (pronounced “hip-lay”) from the Chicago Multi-Cultural Dance Center – “Hiplet” is a combination of hip-hop and ballet. It made me smile right down to the tips of my toes.
Earlier this month I finally found my Fitbit at the bottom of a tog bag I’d forgotten I had, and I’ve been loving tracking my activity again. It’s amazing how quickly I reach my goal number of steps on the days I run and it’s definitely an extra motivator. If for no other reason than how smug I feel when it vibrates at lunch time to tell me I’ve reached my 10,000 steps…
Once again I’m on a mission to grow my nails to a respectable length. I was in a doctor’s waiting room recently and saw someone with bitten down nails that looked just like mine – and I was shocked at how un-lovely they looked. So, here we go again – I’m going cold turkey on biting my nails. I loved these simple nail care tips from The Chic Site.
Laughing at:
My toddler, who has learned to say “Nyum nyum nyum” and point at things she wants to eat or drink. It’s so sweet to watch her become a real little person and find her voice. She also now waves and calls “Hewow!” to everyone she meets, and calls me “Mama”. As her big sister’s first word was “Daddy”, I find this adorable. Her ability to communicate better has led to much less screaming (on her part at least!) and it’s a milestone I’m so enjoying. What was your favourite toddler milestone?
Grateful for:
The beautiful family photos we had taken by my friend and talented photographer Clare Louise Thomas while we were in Cape Town last month (featured above and below). Check out her Facebook page and book her if you want family pics, wedding pics, corporate pics… She is a true gem.
Whether April signals Spring or Autumn in your corner of the world, I wish you all a happy month!
PS – this post contains some affiliate links. I only ever recommend things I’ve bought myself.
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