Something for the Weekend

  • 05 August, 2016
Something for the Weekend

Hello weekend!

  • August has come to the Bahamas with not much to offer in the way of cooling sea breezes – it is hot, hot, hot! Not that I’m complaining about perfect weather in paradise, but I am trying to be extra diligent about slapping the sunscreen on my little ones during the getting-dressed routine and keeping a spare hat for each family member in my (hopelessly overstuffed) nappy bag. My favourite sunscreen for my babies has always been Bepanthen. I’ve been using it since Annabel was tiny and I did a bulk buy online before we moved here. I love that it smells of nothing (which my logic tells me must mean it’s kind on skin…) and that it comes in a nappy-bag friendly tube, rather than a heavy plastic bottle.
  • Speaking of summer days and sunshine, my favourite thing about our new life in the tropics is that it feels rude not to barbecue at every single opportunity. You can take the girl out of South Africa, but you can never take the love of a good South African “braai” out of the girl – so here I am in culinary heaven. Things are a bit different almost-State-side though, and one of the most popular dishes on a Bahamian BBQ is something that’s always intimidated me: ribs. All those bones and all that fat… I’m just never quite sure how to prepare them so they taste the way they should. But I’m determined to keep trying and this weekend hubby and I are going to give this a try. Also, I can’t wait for our boxes to arrive so we have our copy of the lovely cookbook Braai at hand. It’s going to be getting lots of use over then next few months!
  • I can’t publish this post without mentioning the darker side of blue skies and hot sunshine – and that’s the stories I’ve read in the press this week about babies and toddlers dying after being left in hot cars. On average in the U.S., 38 kids die each year after being left in a hot car – the vast majority by accident when a parent was distracted, stressed or out of their usual routine. Just the thought of it gives me chills. The Look Before You Lock campaign advocates making it a habit to always, always, always check the car seat when you lock the car, and (I thought) a particularly good tip: when you strap your child into their car seat leave something like your phone or wallet with them in the seat – something you’re likely to go back for if you find you don’t have it. Taking that extra moment even when you’re in a hurry – or especially when you’re in a hurry – could prevent the most unimaginable mistake.
  • This week I’ve made a new blogging discovery: Be Well, Rachel, by Rachel Cherie Baker. I stumbled upon her blog earlier in the week and ever since have been gulping down her beautiful pieces in my few-and-far-between free moments. Her writing is raw and honest and full of “OMG, I so feel you!” moments. I’m so glad we have “met”, Rachel – I’m just loving getting to know you through your blog.
  • Today is a good friend’s birthday and I can’t help but share this pic of her that appeared on Facebook, along with the caption written by her BFF. Not only because it perfectly captures her sweet, goofy and generous personality – but because it sums up what true friendship is all about, and – at a time when I’m feeling rather far away from lots of the people I love – it made me grateful to have girlfriends in my life who would do this for me, too. Happy birthday Kirsty, you lovely thing.
    Friendship = proudly strutting out of a pool party with an inflatable swan on her head because she knew I wanted it.


Happy weekend!


(Fot the first time ever I’ve given some affiliate links whirl in this post – but I had to go looking for them and all the words and opinions are entirely my own.)

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1 Comment


    6th Aug 2016 - 3:59 am

    Oh my goodness, thank you for the shout out. The feeling is mutual. ????

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About Catherine

Wife, mum, tea drinker, shoe lover, South African Brit living in the Bahamas with my husband and two small girls. I write about the gloriously ordinary everyday of motherhood - and occasionally about sunshine, shoes and perfect cups of tea.

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