I Love
Autumn, you beautiful thing
- October 04, 2016
My favourite season is here. And I’m missing it.
I know that, hailing from paradise, I really don’t have grounds to complain, but in the decade I’ve been living in the Northern Hemisphere this has been my favourite time of year – and now that I’m staring down the barrel of hurricane season as opposed to the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, I find I’m really missing it.
There’s just something about Autumn. The light falls differently and everything is golden. The air smells cleaner, the leaves decorate the pavements, and I always feel a calm settle on my soul: the...
Links I’m Loving Lately…
- September 06, 2016
When I started this blog a few months ago I had to wade through all the usual hang-ups that aspiring writers are afflicted with – the nagging fear that I don’t actually have anything interesting to say; that almost four years of being a stay-at-home mum had turned my brain to mush; that writing about my life and experiences as though they were noteworthy or interesting would make me look like a total megalomaniac; that putting myself out there would be an embarrassing failure… But I wanted to start writing again so with a bit of effort (and a stern...
School of Oprah
- August 26, 2016
When I was a teenager, The Oprah Show was on TV every day at 6pm. For my mum and I, it was our special time. Homework done and dance classes finished, we would always, always watch together – on the couch with a cup of tea or at the kitchen table while dinner bubbled away on the stove. It was more than just a TV show – it was our daily meditation, the full stop at the end of our day, one of the many things we shared in quiet companionship.
...Thank goodness for The Girls
- August 18, 2016
A welcome beep of my iPhone, a What’s App message from half way around the world. A girlfriend sending a joke, telling me about her day, asking me about mine. A ream of (desperately solicited at 3am) advice on what to do about my 8 month old (who has mysteriously stopped sleeping through the night), an inspirational news story from the Rio Olympics, a photo, a microwave recipe for chocolate cake, five little words that make everything better: “It’s going to be fine.”
Thank goodness for The Girls.
...Afternoon tea in London Town
- July 28, 2016
I have a confession: no matter where I am in the world, however lovely the location, a little piece of my heart always longs for England. The place of green and pleasant land – and the afternoon tea.
Tea makes everything better. In my world this is fact. And tea accompanied by finger sandwiches and baked goods is, in my opinion, a thing of true beauty. It’s been a few years since I’ve lived in London, but when I did I made it my business to enjoy the ritual of a traditional afternoon tea at a beautiful hotel as often as...
Something for the Weekend
- July 23, 2016
Something for the Weekend
- June 24, 2016
To My Father, My Hero – On Father’s Day
- June 19, 2016
In the beautiful speech he gave on our wedding day my dad said, “I wonder if you will ever know what a pleasure it has been to be your father.” It was a moving moment that, thanks to his wonderful gift with words, everybody felt, and I will never forget. And yet – I did know. I knew, because my dad made sure I did. Every day, he made sure I knew he loved being my dad.
My childhood is filled with memories of early mornings at the kitchen table as he read to me before school, horsing around the living...
Talking Shoes…
- June 15, 2016
Our European Summer is taking its sweet time to get going this year… It’s the middle of June and the thermometer is hovering somewhere around 17 degrees with silly statistics on rainfall, and my closet full of summer dresses is screaming out to be worn – having been abandoned last summer in favour of maternity clothes. But as far as I can tell there’s a small silver lining to the long wait for the sunshine and that’s that this year’s hottest trend in footwear, The Loafer, is getting plenty of mileage.